Friday, October 21, 2011


I love surprises! My dear friend Jim has been cleaning out his basement and showering me with all kinds of surprises off and on for the last month or so. Today, however, he really saved the day. I had been debating as to how I was going to finish a large project without hauling it down into the basement, and well, Jim came through for me with such a cool surprise!
 Is that not super?!! My other sander would have blown dust everywhere and I would have had to tarp the entire inside of my house! At least this will keep it down to a minimum.

 Jim and I share a lot of common interests, some of which are plants, gardening, refinishing furniture, collecting, collecting and more collecting. Of course then we realize we need to weed out in order to bring in more. So we swap, share and mull over what to keep and what not to keep. For instance, I am the proud owner of this beautiful Aloe plant. Do you see what it's sitting in? Another gift from Jim. It's an old prime rib warmer that also has the Au jus container to match. They're made from copper and make the perfect vessel to hold plants. I also have acquired a set of pink dessert plates and candle holders to match. I'm going to have to do something very special for Jim. Any ideas? Let me know, until then. Carpe Diem, Raylene

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